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Learn to type with all 10 fingers!
Getting Started

Almost all computer users already know how to type. Most start by a hide-and-seek keyboard game with two fingers and gradually use more fingers to get faster. Many stay with that, loosing time they could save by typing the right way.

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Free Typing Games

To learn typing with ten fingers will take you something between two days and two weeks, and the best thing is: you don't have to torment yourself by typing sentences that only consist of ASDF and JKL or something equally annoying.

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Just place the fingers in the proper position, and start typing anything. (Write an email, do your annual tax declaration, etc.) If you squeeze yourself to always return your fingers to the proper position, you are on the right way. Look at the keys while you are typing. Typing without looking will later be achieved with ease.


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The Proper Position

Whenever you type, place your forefingers on F and J. These keys are marked by little bars or small dents on most keyboards (red dots in figure below). The other fingers go on the keys on the left resp. right. After some time, your fingers will seek this position themselves. The thumb (choose one) is responsible for operating the space bar. (The other one does nothing, so it's actually only 'typing with nine fingers', but we don't care.)

Typing Game Chameleon Game

Getting Faster

Mavis Beacon 12

At the beginning you will propably type slower than you used to, but you will notice that you get comfortable with the keyboard pretty fast. It took me about two days of modest effort to reach an acceptable typing speed, and about two weeks to be as fast as I were with the six-scrambled-finger 'system' I used before. Remember: After typing a key, always return the finger to its base position.

Typing Blindly

Perhaps the bigest advantage of learning proper typing is that looking at the screen while typing enables you to correct typos immediately, without having to use the cursor keys to return to errors you did not see earlier. If you get the wrong key, use the backspace key, even if you've typed some right letters afterwards. Erasing a misspelled word and retyping it is faster than moving the cursor, correcting the word, and going back to the end of the line.

Typing Game Chameleon Online

If you have gained practice in ten-finger typing (let's say after some days), you can start trying not to look at the keyboard to find the keys. It will at first seem impossible, but try it.

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Do not try never to look at the keyboard. Hitting the right keys with the wrong finger (or hitting the wrong key!) is much worse than 'peeking'. It took me about two weeks to do some (slow) blind typing, but even today, I occasionally look at the keyboard when typing passwords (they are not printed on the screen). At the beginning, do not worry about digits and symbols in the top row of the keyboard (and function keys, and combinations like Alt-F4, etc.). These seldom occur in the middle of a word, so it is not a disadvantage not to find the 5 or & keys bindly rightaway. Look at the keyboard to see where they are, and be happy with that.