1. Learn common slang words and colloquial expressions in Italian with definitions in English. Entries also identify the Italian word or phase by type.
  2. Ever wondered what “gabagool” is or when it’s appropriate to shout “Madone”? Step into the world of The Sopranos and let them explain. #HBO #TheSopranosSubsc.
- Administration: The top members of the Family, usually composed of the boss, underboss, and consigliere.

Before the show, these — and a few of our other favorite Italian-American food slang words, which we remind you of below — were familiar to folks in the New York area, but not much anywhere else. The quickest and easiest way to speak more native-like Italian and sound like an Italian is to use Italian slang phrases. With a few expressions under your belt, be they slang, idioms or dialect, you can quickly sound less like a textbook and more like an Italian. It is another misconception of what Italians really are like, just like the Sopranos and the Godfather. Uh, glad you are amused. You where probably so busy looking down, you forgot to notice that these words and phrases weren't claimed to be proper italian; they are italian-american slang (or, in your words, italian-medican).

- Associate: At first you will work for the Family as an associate. Only if you prove yourself will you be sworn in as a full member.
- Babbo: A mafia term for an underling who is considered to be useless – you don't want to be one of these or your days may be numbered.
- Big earner: Mafia lingo for someone who makes a lot of money for the family.
- Boss: The head of the Family (the Don). The Mafia boss has the ultimate say in all important decisions.
- Broken: When a member is demoted in rank.
- Buttlegging: Bootlegging untaxed cigarettes.
- Button: A Mafia ‘soldier’.
Sopranos lingo

Sopranos Lingo

- Capo: A Captain in the family.
- Capo di tutti capi: The Mafia boss of the strongest Family - highest of all mafia ranks.
- Cleaning: Covering your tracks to ensure that you’re not being followed.
- Clip: This means to eliminate someone.
- Clock: To keep a person under surveillance.
- Comare: A common term for a woman that they may be dating outside of marriage - a Mafia mistress
Compare: Croney, close pal. Literally 'Godfather' in Italian.
- Consigliere: The counsellor to the boss.
- Contract:Murder assignment.
- Cosa Nostra: Italian for 'this thing is ours'.
- Crew:A body of soldiers assigned to a capo.
- Cugine: A young ambitious gangster who wants to climb the ranks of power.
Slang- Double-decker coffin: A coffin, which has a secret lower compartment used to dispose of a victim.
- Earner:
One who generates income for a Mafia family.
- Enforcer: A member of the Family entrusted to ensuring fulfilment of deals by threats and if necessary killing.
- Fanabala: Italian-American dialect, morphed over the years from, 'Va Fa Napoli' which literally mean, 'go to Naples' but in the vernacular 'go to hell'.
- Fanook: Derived from 'finocchio', a derogatory term for homosexual.
- Friend of mine:
How a third party is introduced whom is not a member of the family but can be vouched for.
- Friend of ours:
Introduction of one made member to another.
- Gabagool: Gabagool is slang for capicola, a thinly sliced Italian luncheon meat, taken from the shoulder (collo) and neck (capo - head) of a pig.
- Ice: This is yet another request for you to kill someone.
- Juice: Theinterest paid on a loan.
- Large: A grand, one thousand. 'He owes me fifty large!' means ($50,000.00).
- Madonn': Madonna, common expression meaning holy smoke, holy cow, something said when surprised.
- Make a marriage: To bring two parties together to 'do some business'
- Oobatz: Crazy.
- Omertá: The code of silence you have to swear when you join the Family.
- Piece: A firearm or gun.
- Pinched: To be arrested.
- Rat: A member who violates the Omertá.
- Shylock:A person who lends money at an extortionate rate of interest.
- Skim:
Money taken that is not reported to the IRS.
- Skipper:
ItalianA Captain or Capo.
- Turban: 'Give him a turban.' Means to crack his head open.
- Vig: Italian Mafia lingo for the interest paid to a loan shark for a loan. Usually 2 points or 2%.
- Whack:
To murder someone.
- Young Turk: Mob term for a young defiant Mafia member.
- Zips: A derogatory Mafia term American Mafiosi's use for the Sicilian Mafiosi.
Big Paulie told his wife he was out with the boys, but really he was bangin' his goomah at a hotel.
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When the “crush” has no intentions of taking things further, but they like the attention. So they flirt here or there, send dm/texts just to keep the person interested, knowing damn well they’re staying single.
Danielle was so flirty the other night, he messaged me 3 times just to say hello, I think he’s coming around.
No Susan he’s breadcrumbing you just so you’ll keep nibbling at his heels.
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A: You going out with your wife?
B: Nah, I thought I'd hit a movie and dinner with my goomah instead.
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The popularity of this word stems from The Sopranos, an HBO TV show about the New Jersey mafia. Goo-mah is another way to say 'mistress'. Since this has been spelt phonetically, you should also expect the word to be spelt 'goo-ma'. Even though The Sopranos is an show about the Italian New Jersey mob, the word Goo-mah is of Chinese origin, where in the Cantonese dialect it means 'auntie'.
Where have you been? But of course, you've been humping your 'goo-mah' all night! The wife's bad or just boring in bed - that's why we all need a goo-mah to get our rocks off!

Sopranos Vocabulary Italian Sopranoland

Get the goo-mah neck gaiter and mug.
The popularity of this word stems from The Sopranos, an HBO TV show about the New Jersey mafia. Goo-mah is another way to say 'mistress'. Since this has been spelt phonetically, you should also expect the word to be spelt 'goo-ma'. Even though The Sopranos is an show about the Italian New Jersey mob, the word Goo-mah is of Chinese origin, where in the Cantonese dialect it means 'auntie'. In the Soprano's the phrase refers to any one of a mobster's mistresses.
Where have you been? But of course, you've been humping your 'goo-mah' all night! The wife's bad or just boring in bed - that's why we all need a goo-mah to get our rocks off!
Get a goo-mah mug for your buddy Georges.

The Sopranos Italian Slang

'I'm going out on Il Goomah'
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